Friday, January 20, 2012

Confusions Galore

I have been pretty busy over the past two and a half weeks,completing the last bits of duties associated with being an engineering student. What really gets me thinking is, the typical question people put to you regarding your aims and goals and what you wish to really do in future. I am generally stoned because I know what my dreams are but I am not able to pick from among them. Secondly, even after growing into a young man, I very often find myself answering questions on goals just like a child answering that he wants to become a train driver. Besides, it so often happens that I have conflicts between my proffessional and personal dreams that I get completely flustered. But what I really know is that I sure am going to be a good human being,with a large heart.


  1. u are a good human being sir. And what childish experience u are having i too have. Before going na i have something for u and janak sir. Plz do accept it

  2. Thank you aditya, really appreciate that and will definitely meet you before we leave,,keep up with the good work..
