Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Coming Back Home

I must say it feels really good to be back home after so many days.The pleasure of technically doing nothing during a vacation really brings a smile on my face,especially saying a goodbye to those wreched engineering text books ,even if, for a brief period seems amazing.But the two things that made me happy on coming home were,seeing my mom after such a long time and secondly,coming back to my garden.Ofcourse nobody can ever pamper a person better than his mother.That holding true,I must also say that,hogging into some of the most amazing gastronomical delights that mummy cooks has a feeling which is absolutely special.Now,coming back to my garden,I must say that growing plants in an apartment is really tough.In the confined space allotted to me,I have around twenty plants,consisting of a combination of roses,shoe flowers,jasmines,chrysanthemums and some lovely flower bearing plants,whose names I do not know.Nevertheless,the weird connection I share with my plants is something I can never describe.However I just cannot thank my mother enough,for she takes such good care of my plants in my absense.I have loads to write but I'll save it up for my subsequent blog posts.Remembering what my best friend always says,"Blogging is really addictive!",its me signing off.

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