Monday, October 17, 2011

Experimenting with Veggies!

The moment the 'Gardening bug' bit me I went all out in ensuring that my empty pots were filled up with plants.Doing so,I ended up duplicating one particular variety to a great extent.But for terrace gardeners,the wonderful gardening dream can come crashing down if the available space is not managed properly.And let us be realistic,every gardener wants to have the maximum variety of plants that can be accomodated in the available space.Trying to build on this idealistic dream I wanted to grow my own vegetables.And believe me people,there are many out there who are experts in 'Container Farming'.Anyways,to start with my vegeatble garden I bought the 'Lady's Finger' seeds from the local grocery store.But after directly planting these seeds in the pot I soon realized that only the fittest(barely one or two of them are fit) survived.Also the saplings which were healthy started to wilt or just refused to grow anymore.Well,without losing heart I plucked out all the remainants of the 'Lady's Finger' plant and shifted my attention to sowing 'Brinjal' seeds.Taking my grandmother's advice seriously,I have planted the seeds in a makeshift container.But I must say the waiting time until the seeds sprout is absolutely agonizing.I just hope that the sprouts start showing their faces or I'll be heading back to square one,where duplication(of the existing plants) is the best option!

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