Thursday, November 10, 2011

Doing something by doing nothing

Have you ever imagined what life would be like if we just slowed down for a day and took a break.Well,don't ring bells in your mind about the loss of one day from your short life time because,even God up there wants you to apply breaks on your lackluster life.People may actually worship  their work but that doesn't mean they shouldn't stop and check out whether they are on the right track.If you feel that some demons will come around and plague your idle mind,stop cribbing and start 'ideating'.The idea behind taking a break is to let your brain contact your soul.In simle terms,you'll get to know yourself better.Try to find your passions and hobbies so that your mind will never be idled when you next take a break.The main reason behind this is to break the monotony you subject yourself to.Seriously folks,I have tried it and that is  where I found my passion for gardening and you could find your's too.Life is an interesting book and don't buzz through it to just read the words-'The End'

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