Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Green Experiment

I am writing this post after hearing from my mom. The day before I left, I sat down to prune my roses and cut down quite a lot of old and a little bit of the new stem. Looking at the pruned cuttings I thought of putting them to some better use i.e. propagating them once again. Now, this experiment has already been done by many people but works for a few  and this being a grafted rose I was apprehensive but still decided to try my luck. I took a knife and made a scratch on the tip of  one of the pruned cuttings and immediately dipped it in a bottle full of water. This rose cutting had a green leaf node which had not yet bloomed but looked hopeful. Thus, after a good one week my mom says that the leaf node has actually opened up and given some tender green leaves. I guess my experiment seems to be working fine. Will keep you posted about the rose and possibly come back with pictures when it actually develops roots.

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