Saturday, December 17, 2011

An Irritable Mind Knows Nothing

I have been wondering over the past few days as to why I have these spurts of anger being generated within me. That weird sense of frustration which cannot be attributed to any particular reason and believe me, if I were an adolescent I could have still played this down as another one of those teenage mood swings. But even a single thing in the day which possibly is out of place or deviates from its normal course seems to set me off. Running away from interaction with people looks like a viable option but does it make sense?  I feel like emptying my mind because anger actually equals trash and never allows a person to think straight. I have generally seen in the movies that people go to the top of a cliff and yell their guts out, but again, can I always run to a cliff to scream. I think I am going to simply put on my head phones and sink into the world of my old pal i.e. 'Music'. And no, it is not an escapist strategy but simply a method of converting every bit of the anger pent up in me into happiness. I hope to write again but with a smile on my face.

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